Issues to Consider when Siting Renewable Generation/Batteries
Time: 14:00 - 14:40
Date: 2024-04-10
- Using the right data: evaluating historical data and determining what datasets are appropriate to be used in forecasts
- Trends across different markets: PJM, New York ISO, New England ISO, IESCO, MISO, SPP, ERCOT, CAISO and Alberta Electric System Operator
- Understanding where the more lucrative opportunities are when it comes to storage
- Kevin Lee Project Lead - Aurora Energy Research
- Carole Mariani Director, PPA Origination - energyRe
- Kolin Loveless Director of Development, Energy Storage Systems - Novis Renewables
- Casey Keller Founding Partner - Caerus Commodities
- Kevin Hannon CEO - Clarity Grid
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